I was on my own having a nap.
Suddenly, there was a snap.
In the alternate world, there was a rush.
Behold, the fluid sac just burst.
What’s going on? asked my brother.
‘We would have a little one’ said my sister.
‘Hold it a little while’ a voice rendered.
Hmmm, that’s definitely my father.
‘You can’t stay in here’ said the doctor.
Dad left the labor room for the corridor.
I love it in here so I gave it a fight.
Mum had to labor all night.
The doctor said cesarean might be the way.
No problem, just keep my child safe.
These are the words I heard mom say.
I had no choice but to think again.
For me, she would take a cut.
Tear her skin yet pretend it doesn’t hurt.
Captured by love I paved the way.
The baby is coming to the doctor’s hail.
As I opened my mouth and took my first breath,
Shouts of joy pollute the air.
‘The child is a boy’ the doctors said.
My mum’s face was filled with tears.
Looking back at this I realize my worth.
Might be a lot of things but irrelevant am not.
I know I’m a valuable addition to this world,
Tears of a mother said it all.

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