Professor Mufutau Olaoye Atayese, an expert in plant water and nutrient relations, mycoorhizal symbiosis and sustainable agrosystems at the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Ogun State has called for heavy investment in agriculture as it is done in other sectors of the economy like oil and gas, real estate and otheres in order to evolve a sustainable crop nutrition practices that would increase crop yield and quality, while minimizing environmental impact.
While declaring the Inaugural Lecture opened and welcoming the Inaugural Lecturer, the Vice- Chancellor of the University and Chairman of the occassion, Professor Babatunde Kehinde eulogised Atayese for his many attributes. In his words : “It is my pleasure to invite Professor Mufutau Olaoye Atayese, a team player, a dedicated teacher and researcher, a manager of man and resources and a Fellow of Agricultural Society of Nigeria, to present the 83rd Inaugural Lecture of this university titled “SECURING THE PRODUCER: CROP NUTRITION AND FOOD SECURITY.

Kick-starting on a very high gear, Prof Muftau Atayese declared : ” As I embark on the journey, I am aware of the responsibility entrusted to me and I approach this task with utmostresponsibility and refverence. It is my most sincere desire that this inaugural lecture will serve as a platform to illuminate the intricate pathways that lead us from the soil beneath our feet to the nourishing bounty of the sumptous meals that grace our table. Together, let us take a trip into the captivating world of crop nutrition and production where the near extremes of human creativity, cutting edge research and innovative strategies converge to unlock the full ptentials of agricultural practices through a comprehensive exploration of soil dynamics, nutrient management , sustainable and innovative cultivation techniques will endeavour to pave way for the enhanced crop nutrition to contribute to the noble pursuit of global food security.
“May this Inaugural Lecture ignite the flames of curiosity , inspire collaborative endeavours and stimulate the passion for transformative change in the realm of crop nutrition”. With humility and gratitude, I invite you all to join me in this intellectual crusade as we embark on the journey of discovery into the world of crop nutrition”.
Speaking glowingly about the potentials of a plant, Atayese asserted : “a plant is a miracle, yes a silent miracle. It cannot move from one place to the other but can manufacture its own food”.

Prof Mufutau Olaoye Atayese
Atayese lamented that the paradigm shift in the values and virtues of Nigerians these days bordered on crave for quick money, saying it is the reason nobody wants to venture into farming which he termed a national disaster.
According to the Professor of Crop Nutrition and former Dean of the College of Plant Science and Crop Production, many Nigerians show little or no interest in agriculture today because it has long gestation and involves lots of energy and risks on Returns on Investment.
Atayese was highly optimistic that there would be an end to food crisis if attention was given to food production at the same level being given to oil and gas. In his words, : ” if the high premium placed on establishing fuelstations across the nooks and crannies of the country by Nigerians could be channelled towards investing in agriculture, all the cries that “there is no rice,” “rice is expensive” and so on, by Nigerians would all disappear”.
According to him, if a significant number of the Nigerian populace returned to the farm, food items would be cheaper through increased food production and there would also be enough to meet local demand and the surplus for export or reservation.
“The values and virtues of Nigerians these days is about quick money, they don’t want to struggle and this is a national disaster. That is the same thing that happens to our oil.
“We were not the only country that had oil as at the time oil was discovered, but because it was so easy going to the shores, bring the oil out and that it the nature of our investments now. Nobody wants to go into agriculture because they feel it takes some time, energy and risks. But the fact is that it is easier than every other investments except that the gain does not come immediately unlike others.
“You can imagine the numbers of the petroleum fuelling stations we have across the country! But just merge three (3) dealers of petroleum fuelling stations and ask them to go into a place like Yewa where they are planting rice. The idea is that you don’t have to retrain them because the skill is innate.
“Now they may want to complain of insecurities in the farm, but let me remind them that these people already have securities at their respective fuelling stations just like they also have in every other investments they are into. So, why can’t they replicate the same security in the farms? If you invest in the North and South, you will gain from it. That is the only way out, nothing else.
“So, all these shouting that ‘there is no rice; rice is expensive’ and so on will all disappear if all should go to the farm and it will be cheaper. All over the world where there are food, people always prioritise going to the farm,” Atayese posited.
Recommending strategies towards sustainable development and improved crop yield, Atayese posited that : “Researchers and farmers should focus on sustainable crop nutrition practices to increase crop yield and quality, while minimizing environmental impact; Government agencies and agro-allied industries should support research initiatives focused on crop nutrition, soil health, and sustainable agriculture, Nigerians should consider heavy investment in agriculture as it is done in other sectors of the economy like oil and gas, real estate etc
He stated further, ” Federal Universities of Agriculture should emphasize on exciting innovative crop nutrition practices in agricultural training to elicit the interest of students and farmers, National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs) should promote recent developments and sustainable innovations in their research activities.
Apparently worried about the current situation of the Nigerian Universities and the poor condition and welfare of staff leading to brain drain, Atayese advocated a system that will make lecturers to breathe. “Only in the atmosphere of tranquility and relative comfort can we retain and get the best from our best brains. Therefore, Nigeria should allow lecturers to BREATHE. University workers are pivotal to any country’s development. They should be treated as such.
Born on 31st January 1964 to the family of Pa. Salawu Oyejide Atayese of blessed memories and Alhaja Falilah Motolani Atayese. Prof Atayese used the opportunity of the Inaugural to give global commendation to mothers who he described as. According to him, his father had passed on to glory very early in life leaving three boys, a girl and a pregnant mother who later gave birth to another boy who later became the fifth child.
He commended her mother, Alhaja Falilah Atayese for working assidously towards raising five children for well over two decades before respite came through her firstborn. Atayese therefore posited ” Mothers prayers are viable tools to survival and excellence”.
Professor Mufutau Olaoye Atayese, attended Local Authority Primary School, Amuda-Oba, Modakeke between 1969 and 1975. He proceeded to Modakeke Islamic Grammar School between 1975 and 1980 where he graduated with what was then known as Grade One. Thereafter, he attended the Oyo State College of Art and Science, Ile-Ife, between 1980 and 1982 before proceeding to the University of Lagos to study Botany and graduated in 1985. In 1988, he continued his search for knowledge at the University of Ibadan where he obtained a master’s and Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Physiology in February 1990 and November 1995 respectively, under the great Ecophysiologist, Professor, Oluwole Osonubi through the assistance of African Bioscience Grant and Alley farming Network for Africa (AFNETA) and tutelage of another renown Scientist at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Dr K. Mulongoy.
Professor Atayese started teaching as a youth corps member at the General Muritala Muhammed College, Yola in the formal Gongola State and reported as a special public worker in the Oyo State Ministry of Agriculture, and Natural, Ibadan, under the special Federal Government intervention for employment by the Ibrahim Babangida administration in 1986 t0 1989. Almost at the twilight of the PhD. Programme, he was employed by the Federal Forestry Research Institute in 1994 but hardly reported before the offer from the then University of Agriculture, Abeokuta as an assistant Lecturer in September,1994. In 1995, he was upgraded to the position of Lecturer II. While on the postgraduate programmes, Professor Atayese was offered Research Fellowship by the International Institute for Tropical Agricultutre (IITA)
He rose steadily to the position of Senior lecturer in 2001. Because of his background, Professor Atayese taught in the Department of Biological Sciences in the former college of Natural Sciences of the university. Similarly, he observed a sabbatical leave at the Lagos State University, Department of Botany between 2007 and 2008. He rose to the position of Reader and full professor in 2009 and 2013 respectively.
He has supervised over one hundred and twenty (120) undergraduate students at an average of four students per year in the last 29 years. He has supervised eighteen (18) postgraduate students as major supervisor and co-supervised several others within and outside his Department and the University. He has produced five (5) Ph.D graduates. He has four (4) major research titles in progress with particular interest in Nanoscience and microbial interactions with emphasis on rice crop.
Professor Mufutau Olaoye Atayese has been involved in various activities both within and outside the University. He was a member of the Uinversity Governing Council from 2018-2022. He is a member of many professional bodies including Weed Science Society of Nigeria and Botanical Society of Nigeria.
He is an External Examiner for Post Graduate programs and Professorial Assessor to many universities including the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife Department of Soil Science, University of Ilorin, Department of Pure and Applied Biology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology. Ogbomosho, Department of Botany and Microbiology as well as Department of Agronomy University of Ibadan, Department of Agronomy, University of Ilorin, University of Jos, University of Development Studies, Ghana. Ibrahim Babangida University. He was a member of the Federal Government’s Committee on SeamlessTtransfer of the Universities of Agriculture to the Ministry of Agriculture. He is also a member of the Governing Council, West African Union University, Cotonou, Republic of Benin.
Professor Atayese is a devoted Muslim and the current Somori Adini of Obantoko Muslim Community who is never oblivious of the fact that his metoric rise to stardom was by the grace of God Almighty . In appreciation of this, Atayese submitted : ” I give thanks to God Almighty at a minimum of 165 times daily and this will continue to the end of my time. I was not a bad student but wanted to remain in town. However, God and men helped me and today, I look back with thanks to God Almighty.
Professor Mufutau Olaoye Atayese enjoys playing and watching soccer. He plays table tennis and Lawn tennis as well as the game of chess.
He is happily married to Dr Adijat Olabisi Atayese, and the union is blessed with five (5) children.