You’re yet to experience a better life because of two things: What you know. This is simply what has become a reality to you. The current level of knowledge you have about life and success is the reason why you’re where you are. And unfortunately, life is fashioned in such a way that you can’t really rise above the level of your understanding.
What you don’t know. That is, what has not yet been captured in your reality. Kids behave as kids because they mostly see life as a playing ground, but for an adult who has been through different facets of life and has experienced alot would tend to take life more seriously and aim for purpose and meaning as opposed to playing around.

Whether you know it or not, people are successful because of what they know! Yeah! And truth is, the day you know what successful people know, you’d also become successful! Nobody becomes anything by knowing nothing! Life is not based on guess work and success does not operate by luck.

Those we celebrate in our world today have been able to capture that kind of life in their reality which has given them the opportunity to step into it. Now here’s the thing, until your consciousness captures the need for a better life, you wouldn’t experience a better life. Consciousness is key! And the transition from a kid to a matured adult is the result of rise in consciousness level to a higher plane of reality.

The need to read good books can’t be overemphasized, because reading is one major way to see through the eyes of those who have gone ahead of you, thereby raising your consciousness level to a higher and better plain of reality. Reading helps to fast forward your life; what you’d have waited 10yrs to learn can be discovered within the pages of a book in few minutes. If you’re waiting to experience it before coming to the knowledge of it, then you’d wait for a very long time.

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