Professor Samuel Adeniran Oluwalana is undoubtedly and unarguably one of the foremost Professors of Forest Resources Management in Nigeria. He is a fusion of science, indigenous knowledge and practicality. He can as well be captured as a classical example of relationship between the gown and the town. His delve into the healing powers of plants certainly shows his mindset as a problem-solver.

As the Pioneer Head of the Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management of the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, he has contributed immensely to human capacity development, producing quality graduates at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Incidentally, one of his products, Prof Margaret Adedokun is the current Head of Department of the Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management which is domiciled in the College of Environmental Resources Management ( COLERM)

It was therefore a great occasion as men from different facets of the society gathered at the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta to hear the Professor of Forest Resources Management and mobile laboratory of the healing powers of the forest speak on the topic ” Forest : Bundles of Health and Wealth Territory”. It was the 72nd Inaugural Lecture of the University.

The 72nd Inaugural Lecture was an exhibition of a man who is married into the anthem of the University : ” The nature’s secret we will find as offering to mankind”. Since he caught the vision of unlocking the potentials of the forest for human health, he has been forging ahead, breaking barriers.

Welcoming the invited guests at the occasion, the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olusola Babatunde Kehinde eulogised Prof Oluwalana for his great contributions and for expanding the frontiers of knowledge in the use of plants to solve some of the challenges facing humanity.

The Ag. Vice- Chancellor who was presiding over the second Inaugural Lecture since assumption of office as Acting Vice-Chancellor was joined at the occasion by other Principal Officers of the University.

Lamenting the poor standard of living of people living next to the forest, the Professor of Forest Resources Management asked rhetorically: ” Why poverty in a place of abundance?”. Apparently perturbed about the misnomer, Oluwalana asserted : “The African sees everything as food while others study them for invention”
“The forest is a vast, boundless health and wealth territory –the land, the soil, the air, the space, the water, plants and animals, the invisible, all contain unquantifiable health and wealth potentials for man.”
“From his interaction with the plants, numerous diseases can be cured and life cen be more interesting”
According to him, his inquisitiveness and the desire to create a paradigm shift in the utilisation of the potentials of the forest propelled him to take a dive into the world of healing potentials of plants.

The Inaugural Lecturer asserted that his modest achievements are as a result of a multidimensional approach with foundation in Jesus Christ.
“Developing a keen relationship with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Human eyes have limitations into the inner secrets of nature”, Oluwalana asserts.
“Perseverance, uncommon dedication, and meditation unravel the treasures hidden in nature. Joshua 1: 8, Isaiah 45:1-3.”
“Practical applications, going into forests, forest meditation, and experimenting are vital tools in my research.”
Learning from the knowledge vaults of other nations, peoples of other races through their books and publications”
While advocating for the use of plants in curing diverse diseases, Prof. Oluwalana stated : “Forest plants are of immense importance in animal health. The plants are non-toxic, therefore, pose no threat to the environment.”
He encouraged the country to do more in the promotion and advancement of indigenous knowledge, Prof Oluwalana opined that this could only be possible with right and purposeful leadership. In his words : “Who cursed us with bad leadership? They speak with their ears, and hear with their mouths. They build houses with foundations at the rooftops. They have enthroned a system where the Mouse is the Chairman of the House of Cats.”

According to him, regardless of the challenges bedeviling the nation, the Universities must sustain its sanctity.
“In spite of this, the University must arise, become more characterized by discipline, creativity, and innovation. These are potent weapons for disabling bad and evil leadership. It happened in history. It can and it will happen again.
To meet up with the current trends , the University don advocates for a complete overhaul of the teaching of Forestry in Nigeria while proposing a different method of assessment for students generally.
“Need to overhaul the teaching of forestry at all levels. Indigenous knowledge, science and technology, biomimicry, space science and anthropology among others should be part of studies in forestry.”
“Vigorously encourage Interactive education. In place of CATs, encourage tests that stimulate innovative thinking. Learn from Norway, Singapore, Malaysia and India, nations that prize education for development. Train students to provide answers to current and future pressing societal problems.”
The Inaugural Lecturer described himself as a composite of three indisputable factors. ” I consider myself as a combination of “Theósbiome” (God biome), “humobiome” (human biome) and “intelbiome” (intellectual biome).”
Highlights of the thought provoking lecture included the presentation of gift to the Inaugural Lecturer by the University and others.

Aside from his research prowess which has produced four patents, Prof. Oluwalana is also an amiable personality committed to the development of humanity and sacrificially contributing his quota. He is also a man of humble disposition.
Pyrolyzed charcoal is also good