Immanuel College High School, Orita U.I., Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria is one of the foremost schools in the capital city of Oyo State. Its location very close to the Premier University, University of Ibadan, provides the students with an uncommon opportunity to be fired into greatness. It is therefore, not surprising that the Secondary School has produced great men and women who are excelling in their various chosen careers.
The anthem of the school speaks volume of the quality and great intentions of the founding staff of the school.
A lamp that is set on a hill
Immanuel college high school
My pride it is to be a product of my school
Immanuel College High School
Wherever I may go Up up we go And never down Up up we go In God we grow
Immanuel College High School Up
Ever forward thy name.
ValidViewNetwork reports that the products of the school driven by the lyrics of the anthem composed by Mr Eesuola, one of the foundation teachers who also doubled as the Choir Master, are truly lamps set on the hill.

The 1992 set of the Secondary School as part of the activities marking the 30 years that they left the school is organising a reunion aimed at strengthening the relationship among them and contributing to the development of the school that contributed immensely to their lives.

The boys and girls who are now Daddies and Mummies have great memories about their days in the school. The set was blessed with beautiful ladies and guys. Surprisingly, the beauty is not fading which is a further confirmation of a lamp that is set on a hill.

ValidViewNetwork reports that the school had some uniqueness in the 80s and 90s.
One of the uniqueness of the school was a large farming land for Agriculture which also served as the stage for Wrestlingmania. One big event was the episode between Idowu Apata and Peter Ogungbaro. Noone that was there will ever forget it. It was indeed a Royal Rumble!

The 1992 set inherited an outstanding history of a school who had won laurels in football and other games. The school provided a balanced environment whereby despite the tough posture of the teachers, there was room for discovery of talents in other areas beyond academics. No one would forget the day our Captain, Celestine Okonkwo “broke” his hand. Majority of the footballers disappeared into the thin air except for the bravery and courage of a few who stayed behind to help the poor boy.

We were blessed with a Teacher cum Coach, Mr Abiodun who was committed to sports development. The laurels won around that time are testimonies of his outstanding efforts. All categories of footballers in the school also developed a unique style of play.

I do not think that there is anyone that passed through that school around that time that did not like sugar cane. Either by buying or the other way, we had sugar cane in abundance.

The UI students coming to mobilise the secondary students for Aluta at that time prepared some of us for the challenges ahead. Unfortunately 30 years after, the struggle for a befitting educational system in Nigeria continues.

There are great expectations from the reunion just as there is so much ecstasy in the atmosphere.
According to Celestine Okonkwo : “Great indeed that after 30 yrs of graduation we are coming together as the LIGHT of the world.”A city that is set on a hill can not be hid” Matthew 5:14.
LIGHT has been defined as something that illuminates, enlightens, informs and also things that stands out. This may explain why I am overwhelmed for re-union and coming together as LIGHT OF THE WORLD among many generations of I.C.H.S Ibadan.
God is light and in HIM there’s no darkness so, fellow colleagues, let’s keep shinning on and on”

For Ekaette, her expectations concerning the reunion are great and multifaceted. According to her : “I am looking forward to reconnecting with old cliques, find out about the wellbeing of colleagues , find a way of helping those in need, get connected with those who can help me as well( but in all, bless God for our lives”

It is an opportunity to thank God while praying that God Almighty will be with the family of those who had died at one point or the other.
The reunion on Saturday, October 22, 2022 promises to be loud with loads of fun!
Thank you Michael,you have done excellently well by reliving our old memories.
Thanks so much for this Dr. Ogunjobi. Kudos!
Well written doctor Ogunjobi. You are highly appreciated
Thanks dear. Best regards.
Wow my able Dr and pastor kay Ogunjobi God bless you for this great work
You all are looking so young ooo even after 30years of leaving secondary school?
God will continue to preserve and keep us all.
Up school