There is no gainsaying in the fact that Johnson Olatunde Arowolo-Olukehinde, the son of Late Samuel Akinwumi Fakehinde and Late Rosalia Emiola Fakehinde received mercy from God Almighty, the only One who could make a man to enjoy the breath of life for 60 years despite a low life expectancy in Nigeria. He is not only alive but he has a good engine to drive his handsomely structured body.

Born in Olode, Ile-Ife, Osun State on Tuesday, 18th December, 1962 as the 4th of the 8 children of a monogamous home, his life has been a confirmation of the fact that He that keepeth Israel neither sleep nor slumber. God has remained faithful to him such that many people would find it difficult to believe that he is now 60.

Testimonies abound of his notoriety as a young man with the diminutive Olatunde pulling great strings right from United Anglican Primary School Olode, Ile-Ife where he was a pupil between 1968-1975 and Saint Peter Secondary Modern School Olode, Ile-Ife between 1975-1977. He has consistently exhibited outstanding leadership styles and attributes such that at every stage of his life, he has a voice among his colleagues. He was a key figure at Mokin Comprehensive High School Ilara Mokin Ondo state (1977-1982).

“Factorial” as he was fondly called in his University days graduated with Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics and Master’s Degree in Business Administration at Ondo State University (Now Ekiti State University) Ado Ekiti. Just like the case of Saul whom God arrested, the transformation of Factorial was so outstanding such that a friend on discovering that “Factorial ” had become a Pastor thought he should be referred to as a Bishop. Truly, what God cannot do does not exist. Since God Almighty brought him out of darkness and placed his feet on the strait and narrow way, Olatunde Olukehinde has been pressing forward.

Olatunde Olukehinde, no doubt, is an iconic icon and a man of diverse attributes. He is certainly exhibiting the gifts of God in him, living out his life with the Bible as his template. He is Olukehinde the Preacher who God Almighty has been using his messages to shape the lives of many both directly and indirectly. He is the same Olukehinde who is a very lovely husband to his wife, Pastor (Mrs) Margaret Olukehinde and lovely father to his wonderful children. It is the same Olukehinde who would stick to the Television and keenly follow international football matches. The same Olukehinde creates time to check on friends despite his very tight schedule. He is also an author and a Public Speaker cum commentator.

Surprisingly, he balances all beautifully such that no aspect suffers for the other with emphasis on God and family first.

In the words of the wife, Pastor (Mrs) Olukehinde:

“My husband is a special breed of human beings. He is a disciplined and great father and friend. He ensures his words are complied with. He is sanguine in nature, makes friends and blends easily. He cherishes friendship but easily closes up when irritated. He accomodates both old and new friends. He is a perfectionist. He is hardworking, can work round the clock to make ends meet. His faith is immovable and he is highly committed to the things of God. Once he makes up his mind, it’s difficult to bend him, he is straight forward and action filled. He is a treasure and inspiration to both young and old. He is a giver. May his life continue to count for God and humanity.”

To all those who know the celebrant keenly, the submission of Pastor (Mrs) Margaret Olukehinde roundly sums up his personality. Pastor Olukehinde sacrificially waters relationships. He could be seen as the last man standing for his friends. He is highly principled leveraging on the maxim “if you don’t stand for something, you fall for everything”

Mayowa Olukehinde on his remarks asserted :
” Daddy is both a sanguine and a Choleric man, we experienced the choleric side of him much more while growing up and even though it was sometimes overboard, he built in us a routine that will never break”.
This goes further to confirm that Olatunde Olukehinde though a lovely father and amiable husband is a disciplinarian, ValidViewNetwork reports. He is a man that cannot hide his feelings and may not really be bothered about how anyone feels.
Speaking further, Mayowa Olukehinde stated : “As the first born, I took most of his discipline and I can’t explain how I survived it but one thing is certain, it moulded me and put in me the major values that I have now imbibed”
It is not far from the truth that Pastor Olukehinde is an Apostle of ” train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it”

“When it comes to his sanguine side, he is fun to be with, can be humorous and caring to a fault. Daddy is passionate about everyone of his children, spiritual and biological. He is very strict about keeping a good name and a godly reputation, he has zero tolerance for sleeping or laziness during prayer. I have seen his pains and understood his effort, and even though he has his flaws, he still has a heart of gold and a consistent spirit and that’s most admirable”.

In his congratulatory message, the CEO, ValidViewNetwork, Dr. Kayode Ogunjobi had described Pastor Olukehinde as a man privileged to be brought by God from darkness to light, expanding the Kingdom of God and depleting the kingdom of darkness. Appreciating his love for the family, Dr. Ogunjobi had stated : No celebration of a birthday in my family ends without Pastor Olukehinde paying a visit. The children were always aware that the day has not ended until “Israel” comes”. He prayed that God Almighty will continue to keep Pastor Olukehinde in good health and sound mind.
Can the children ever forget that there is a sure place to take lunch anytime we were late in church on Sunday? Just a call and our lunch would be ready with chilled drinks. What an amiable Pastor with a wonderful Pastor Mrs”

According to Mr. Niyi Akomolafe, a Deputy Registrar at the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, ” He is a mentor to most of us, a good family man and not the least a decent human being whom I often called ‘Man of God’. I know his family, especially his wife, our mother in Israel, Mrs. Margaret Olukehinde, a humility personified, graceful woman, and a responsible partner in progress to her husband in the vineyard. She is a good help-meet to her husband and a successful teacher in her own right.

“One can hardly exhaust highlighting pastor Olukehinde’s numerous achievements. However, the best that can be done right now is thank God for his useful life that is now an object of celebration at 60. I salute Pastor Johnson Olatunde Olukehinde at his Diamond Jubilee and sincerely wish him abundant blessings, many more fruitful years of service to God and humanity in good health, joy, happiness and the best from God Almighty”.

Pastor Olukehinde has both private and public sectors experience. He worked as a Banker after his service year both in United Bank for Africa (UBA) and Gateway Bank of Nigeria (GBN) between 1989 and 1994. He was a Consultant to Ogun State UNDP/SME projects between 1995 and 1998. He joined the services of Federal University of Agriculture in year 2000 as Academic Planning Officer where he rose to become the Deputy Director of the Directorate. He was appointed Head, Office of Advancement of the University in 2019. He has attended professional Training in Quality Assurance and Advancement within and outside Nigeria.

He is one of the finest Administrators around and the Pioneer Director of the Directorate of Advancement and Alumni Relations at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. He was trained as a Quality Assurance Expert in Higher Education at the prestigious University of DuisburgEssen Germany.

The “Factorial” to Pastor is phenomenal! The turning point in the life of Pastor Olatunde Olukehinde was his conversion in 1988 when he was in his final year in the University.
According to him, ” I had a very strong desire as a budding young man to succeed which led me to join some groups thinking that will be a faster route to stardom; my story of arrest was similar to that of Apostle Paul who was arrested on his sinister trip to Damascus to apprehend the disciples of Jesus.”
Pastor Olukehinde recalls with good number of times during debates when he had compared Jesus Christ with other Yoruba heroes and heroines who became gods.

In his words, : if I had been going on that route, I will surely not be alive today to witness the celebration of Diamond Jubilee”.
Pastor Olukehinde is a vast and versatile teacher of the Word of God with penchant for details having earlier been mentored by Pastor W. F. Kumuyi of Deeper Christian Life Ministries where he was a leader for many years. He was also a Pastor for 10 years in Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries under the tutelage of Dr. D. K. Olukoya before God led him to pioneer the Power of His Resurrection Church International in 2008 having discussed his convictions with the General Overseer. The church is making impact and growing significantly with Branches in Abeokuta.
In the words of Deaconess Mopelola Ilo of Power of His Ressurection Church, : He is a man of God filled with Word of God . A disciplinarian. A no nonsense man. A spiritual father, mentor that supports everyone that comes around him in cash and kind.”

ValidViewNetwork reports that one thing that is constant with the man of diverse attributes is his no nonsense posture and disciplinarian garb.
As people from diverse walks of life celebrate the favour of God in the life of the man with diverse attributes, ValidViewNetwork joins well wishers to wish him long life in good health and sound mind.